Strong and free – always.

So this post was supposed to be about this really awesome event I got to go the other day and how much fun we had.

But something happened yesterday that takes precedence over all of that. Now I know we’re just starting to get to know each other but I’m hope you’ll let me take this chance to express myself openly.

Yesterday was a turning point for my country.
At the very spot where Canadians come and pay their respects to our war dead, a young soldier had his life taken in cold blood.
Terror gripped the great city of Ottawa and Canadians from coast to coast sat stunned in front of their tv’s, computers, and even the good old radio.
This was not supposed to happen here. This is Canada.

Here is what I had to say on Facebook yesterday as the events began to unfold…

‘I am lucky enough to have a grandpa that was a soldier. I recall being a kid and going to the base (mainly cause he was golfing there, pretty sure there is a picture of me sitting on the putting green drinking pop) so I was aware of what the army is from an early age. One sunny day nearly 9 years ago I met a young soldier and soon a tumultuous romance began. His army friends became my army friends and when he was in Afghanistan, they became my family. I often say I got the better end of the relationship as most of those people are still some of my closest friends and I don’t know where I’d be without them. A quick scroll through my friends list and I’m shocked to see just how many of those people I know because of the army. So not only does today affect me as a Canadian but also on a bit of a personal level. I’m sad and I’m mad. This is a turning point for our country but we must remember fear is what these people want. We as Canadians must not be afraid. But we must respond appropriately. Go hug a soldier or a veteran…or just anyone.’

Two things stood out to me yesterday. The first time I saw the words ‘Canada under attack’  because lets face it, while the attack happened in one city, it truly was an attack on Canada and all things Canadians stand for and believe in.

The other – when someone from Great Britain posted a comment on a story that said “Canada, I am so sorry”. That was when I cracked. I have to admit, I’m still pretty emotional today. A lot of Canadians are and that’s normal. We are going through a process. Canada won’t be the same after this but we will react appropriately and like always, come out with great resolve. But it will take time.

I want to send a great big bear hug and a thank you to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. You seemed like an outstanding young man and I hope that your young son will remember you for the hero that you are.
Also kudos to sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers who is credited with killing the suspected gunman. You Sir, deserve the respect of everyone. In a situation that most people would run away from, you dove in head first. Thank you for being fearless.
There are countless others to be grateful to and for this day. I won’t list them all. But please, wear your red, fly your flag, and be proud to be Canadian.

A weekend of thanks

Well here we are, another Thanksgiving come and gone. Before you know it, it will be Christmas!

Was quite the busy weekend for me. It all started on Friday when TJ texted me asking what I was up to. I told her I was at work… Turns out she was in down for a specialist appointment. She came by work and hung out for a bit. I was done at 1 so then we went for a cocktail and some French fries! The perfect start to a long weekend. It was so nice to see TJ. We only see each other once, maybe twice a year and this makes it twice in three weeks! Hopefully her and Levi will be up for CFR next month. The day ended with me in bed with a plate of lasagne and a glass of wine. Definitely the best think to happen in my bed in a very long time.


Saturday I plopped myself down on the couch and watched some TV and browsed on-line for awhile before getting ready to head to Northlands. There are only a couple weekends left in the thoroughbred season and I do love my races. Wasn’t a bad afternoon, I only came away a few dollars in the hole…I actually think the majority of my losses were spent on food. Hot dog, fries and some warm brown water they tried to pass off as hot chocolate cost me nearly $15.


After the races we went over to pick up a cake for Thanksgiving dinner… Well it was for the three birthdays and one anniversary we are celebrating over the coming weeks. Then a stop at
Tim Hortons, I went on a bit of a donut binge, again. Finally a stop for some Chinese food that really wasn’t that great. I wish I lived closer to Panda Hut Express…SO good. I might just have to make the drive….later.
I attempted to watch the Oilers game but found myself in and out of consciousness for most of the game. It appeared they played well, despite the loss.

Sunday I turned in the PVR and got to work in the kitchen. Made Gordon Ramsay’s pita chips with my homemade salsa and my soon to be famous lemon-poppy seed loaf. I’ll post that recipe at some point, don’t worry!
Then we loaded into the car and headed to my parents place. I of course ate way too much! And continue to feel bad about doing it, my TUI plan isn’t going very well this time around. I then ventured outside to find the kitties and take some pictures of the pretty leaves. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the cats and the wind had blown most of the leaves off the really pretty trees away. I still had some fun though 😊


